

Hello to all of you…

How is it that it is now May, and we are full into dealing with this pandemic … a planet, as one, but reacting, acting, moving, feeling in so many different ways from one another. Are we together? Or are we apart? Sometimes it’s hard to tell.

Before pandemic, I had the jazz album to focus on. I’m still working away on the finishing touches. I have switched gears a little with the album artwork and have decided to go with Milwaukee’s Jamie Breiwick. Please take a gander at his amazing design work below. A month or so ago, Matt Mayhall who played drums on “Just For You” (and “Torrential”), had posted one of his projects featuring Jamie’s artwork. So I got terribly inspired and have gone ahead and hired Jamie. Thank you to all the kickstarter pledgers for allowing me to work with such high-level people on this project.

Just as we were about to go to mastering, Larry Roy gave a few last-minute suggestions on ways to make the mixes of the album a bit more authentic to the jazz ear. Joe was gracious and went back to the drawing board, and I found myself listening to mixes again which I thought I had approved! This is the nature of venturing into a genre I am no expert in. A few tweaks to the levels, and the standards are sounding a little more like a trio. Joe, at home with a new baby, juggling lots of stuff and finding his own way through the pandemic, was so gracious and careful about making these changes. I still think “Just For You” is a jazz pop record, but I suppose it could be a lot of things at the end of the day. Sometimes the less you put on a song, the more expansive the emotional, musical landscape. For any of your musicians out there, it’s a wonderful time to simplify. Reduce. Step back. Breathe.

I suppose we are all finding our own ways to be resourceful in this time. Without the luxury of just “running out to grab stuff” every day, my kids and I have been forced into resourcefulness as I’m sure you have. No muffin cups? Cut up some parchment paper. No eggs? Mix ground flax seed with water. No new toys? Make a sword out of a badminton racket. No gym class? Learn some hip-hop dance moves (badly, if I might comment on my own technique) off YouTube. Hopefully this little trend becomes a mainstay in life - we are learning to be creative. I am reminded of growing up by the shores of Lake Huron where resourcefulness was my middle name. That doesn’t sound very exciting does it?

ME: “Resourcefulness is my middle name.”

YOU: Is it bedtime yet?

I have attempted a few meditations which I want to share with you, but my taste in guided meditation keeps changing, hence the delay in offering it to you. I am getting a little closer to finishing something and no doubt, we will still all need a little “break from the day” in the coming weeks. So please stay tuned for it. Something just for all of you. I appreciate you so much.

I am so lucky to be able to do music coaching online with singers and artists of all ages. This week, I just received two new additions to my coaching world - a wonderful singer and teenager from Newfoundland and an amazing queer artist from Toronto. I am so energized by this work, and I encourage any of you who are looking for a little guidance in this time, whether it’s finding your voice, finding your footing in your work or just keeping on track with a project to please drop me a note.. I have been working on getting my coaching accreditation and I find so much joy in helping people navigate challenging situations. I really believe we can all find our way, in no matter what we want to do, but especially when it comes to finding our very best voices. This is also a good time, if you are able, to work on finding a few answers to things that have been nagging at you and sabotaging your own creativity for a while. Life is too short to sabotage this great force within us.

I’m working on a series of singing videos. I want to offer what I know so people can start right away to find the best way to improve their voices. Working with me on this is Darryl Lahteenmaa, my sound tech guru and also the chap who helped put together the video on my website which is a little “about me” video. We can’t take ourselves too seriously, at the same time, we have to be serious about our passions. I’m finding this out more and more.

I’ve been asking my dad about the album cover for the jazz record. Initially he picked this shot, which was shot by my ex-cousin-in-law (ha!) Phil Brennen.


But finally, my dad went with this photo, taken by the incomparable Jessica Weiser. This was taken somewhere in the wilds of New England:


After so many photo shoots, I notice the best ones have been with friends. Jess is a true talent, and I can’t wait to share with you all how the album cover turns out. Vinyl ! am so excited for it. Beyond excited. I guess I better go buy a record player now.

Please stay safe out there, I’m so grateful for all of you, for coming along with me on this lifelong journey, for always supporting me and for just being a bunch of amazing bad-asses.

Love, Emm

Some brilliant artwork by Jamie Breiwick:
